
E-Learning Series: Students' Reflections | 在线学习系列:学生的反馈

This week, we continued our series of reflections on eLearning by asking some of our Secondary students about their experiences with the past month of remote learning. Their comments are centered around what discoveries they have made and what differentiates virtual from in-class learning according to them.


The eLearning journey has propelled students to enhance their autonomy even further when coming to keeping up and completing their school work. This view is supported by Charlie Leung in Year 9 who shared with us that  “With e-learning, the teacher is not there to tell you what to do, it is up to you to join classes, pay attention to lectures and complete tasks. You are making your own decisions to benefit your own learning”  This is certainly a skill that stands to benefit him and his peers in future.

在线教学之旅已经推动学生接受和加强他们的自主性,甚至进一步跟上和完成他们的学业。这一观点得到了9年级的Charlie Leung的支持,他和我们分享道:“在线学习过程中,老师并没有告诉你要做什么,而是你自主的来上课、听课和完成任务。你是在为自己的学习做决定。”这当然是一项会让他和他的同学在将来受益的技能。

Many of our students have appreciated the optimal use of technology during this time, as it has allowed them to continue with their learning away from their classroom walls and to keep in contact with their classmates on a regular basis. “No matter where you are in the world, you can still attend live lessons and still be able to learn and grow” said Gabriel Low.  

在这段时间里,我们的许多学生都领会到合理利用科技的好处,因为这让他们能够在远离教室的地方继续学习,并定期与同学保持联系。“不管你在世界的哪个地方,你仍然可以参加直播课程,仍然能够学习和成长,”Gabriel Low说。 

Elim Kim, a Year 7 student, also added to this sentiment saying, “I like how we are all still collaborating as a class, and trying to help each other as much as possible, since that’s the spirit of the school”, referring to the school’s emphasis on collaborative work.

7年级学生Elim Kim也表达了同样的观点,他说:“我喜欢我们仍然作为一个班级在合作,并尽可能多地互相帮助,因为这是我们学校的精神。”指的是学校对协作学习的重视。

Charlie and Year 9 student Gabriel have been having positive experiences with this learning approach. They have even found it to be enjoyable. “Once you get used to it, it’s a great alternative to turn to when we can’t attend school.” said Charlie. Flexibility has been a great lesson as well according to Gabriel who said so far, she has been “quick to adapt to this system of eLearning.”


Learning since the beginning of February has not come without challenges, with technical glitches being the most prominent. Elim Kim’s initial experience was “rather difficult” he says. The year 7 student, who is currently in Korea, shared that “I wasn’t able to join a lot of calls or send a lot of messages due to technical difficulties and problems with the internet connection. But still, I learned to stay more focused from this experience, and I was able to keep track of what we’re learning.”  with the help of his teachers and the technical team responsible for the smooth running of the IT systems.


For Gabriel, “Learning from home has allowed me to be able to stay at home with my family and allowed me comfort while learning” but even for her, nothing is better than face-to-face interactions with her classmates and teachers; a common theme amongst all three students.


“I miss the social aspect of the school. I miss performing in assemblies and events, performing is one of my favourite things to do and I can’t wait to step on stage when school reopens” concludes Charlie.


For Elim, his focus is on his learning, until we can go back to normalcy. “I just overall miss the learning, since I find it much more difficult to learn, and I miss my peers and tutors too. All I can do is to keep track of the learning and hope we go to school soon. Although the elearning is overall not what we expected, we should still persevere and stay educated, until this unpleasantness ends.”


We are very proud of our students who have been displaying determination, perseverance and flexibility during this challenging time and like them, we hope for a swift change in events and to see everyone back on campus very soon.


eLearning Series: Teachers' Reflections  | 在线学习系列:教师们的反馈

YCIS-BJ Parents’ Reflections on e-Learning | 北京耀中家长关于在线学习的反馈

Supporting Secondary Students during eLearning | 线上教学期间支持中学生

